Working from a coffee shop
Andrew Crossley

Andrew Crossley

Founder of Wocal

Working from a coffee shop? The old & new Cost-effective workspace

As I settle into my favourite spot at my local coffee shop, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and freedom. After years of working in a traditional office setting, I recently made the switch to working remotely.

The change of scenery was just what I needed to boost my creativity and productivity.

As I set up my laptop and order my usual latte, I couldn’t help but notice the bustling atmosphere around me. There were students huddled around tables with textbooks and laptops, freelancers tapping away on their keyboards, and small business owners conducting meetings.

It was a diverse group of people all working towards their own goals, but united by the common thread of using the coffee shop as their temporary office.

As the day went on, I found myself easily falling into a rhythm of work and breaks. I’d take a break to refill my drink or grab a snack, and in the process, I’d strike up a conversation with the barista or another worker.

It was amazing to see how many connections and opportunities were being created in this casual setting.

But as much as I loved the change of scenery and sense of community, I also had to acknowledge that working from a coffee shop wasn’t always easy.

It could be distracting at times, with the constant flow of people and the potential for loud conversations and music.

And while I appreciated the free wifi and comfortable atmosphere, I also had to be mindful of my budget as the cost of purchasing food and drinks added up over time.

Despite these challenges, I found that with some careful planning and consideration, I was able to make the most of my time at my local coffee shop.

I set specific goals for each work session and tried to stick to a schedule as much as possible. I also made an effort to be considerate of the staff and others, taking up minimal space and being as quiet as possible when necessary.

Overall, working from a coffee shop was a great option for me. It provided a change of scenery, opportunities for networking and collaboration, and a more flexible and cost-effective workstyle.

While it’s not for everyone, I highly recommend giving it a try if you’re looking for a change of pace and a chance to shake up your daily routine.

Benefits of Working from a Coffee Shop:

One of the biggest benefits of working from a coffee shop is the change of scenery.

If you’re used to working from a home office or a traditional office setting, a coffee shop can provide a welcome change of pace.

The ambience of a coffee shop can be energizing and motivating, and the background noise can actually help some people focus.

In addition to the change of scenery, working from a coffee shop can also provide opportunities for networking. Many people work from coffee shops on a regular basis, and you never know who you might meet or what connections you might make.

Working from a coffee shop can be a more cost-effective option than renting a dedicated workspace.

Many coffee shops offer free wifi and a comfortable environment, which can be a great option for those on a budget.

Tips for Working from a Coffee Shop

If you’re planning to work from a coffee shop on a regular basis, there are a few things you can do to make the most of your time there.

First, choose a coffee shop that fits your needs. Look for a shop with a comfortable atmosphere, good wifi, and a location that works for you.

It can also be helpful to choose a coffee shop that is not too busy, as this can help reduce distractions.

Next, be considerate of the staff and others. Be mindful of how much space you’re taking up, and try to be as quiet as possible when you’re on the phone or in a meeting. It’s also a good idea to purchase something from the shop, whether it’s a coffee or a snack, to show your appreciation for their hospitality.

Finally, it’s important to have a plan for your time at the coffee shop. Set specific goals for what you want to accomplish while you’re there, and try to stick to a schedule as much as possible. This will help you stay focused and make the most of your time.


Working from a coffee shop can be a great option for those looking for a change of scenery and a more flexible workstyle. While there are potential downsides to consider, with some careful planning and consideration, you can make the most of your time at the coffee shop and be productive and successful.

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