Working from a pub desk
Andrew Crossley

Andrew Crossley

Founder of Wocal

The Pros and Cons of Working from a Pub Desks for Remote Workers

The rise of remote work has been nothing short of phenomenal in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only added fuel to the fire. With millions of people now working from home, it’s no surprise that new ways of working are emerging, and one such solution is working from a pub desk.

Pubs have always been known as social hubs, and now they’re becoming work hubs too. That’s right, many pubs are now offering dedicated workspaces for remote workers, so you can enjoy all the comfort and social atmosphere of your local pub while getting your work done.

But is it the right choice for you?

Let’s explore the pros and cons of working from pub desks for remote workers.

Pros of Pub Desk for Remote Workers

Working from a pub has some pretty compelling benefits. Firstly, it provides a comfortable and relaxed working environment, away from the distractions of home. So, if you struggle to focus in your home office, a pub desk could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Another big advantage is the social atmosphere. Let’s face it, working from home can be lonely and isolating, but working from a pub can bring a sense of community and motivation that can help boost your morale and productivity.

Finally, they can be a cost-effective alternative to setting up a home office. With flexible pricing plans and affordable hourly rates, it’s a solution that’s accessible to people of all budgets.

Cons of Pub Desk for Remote Workers

Of course, nothing is perfect, and pub desks are no exception. Firstly, the noise levels in pubs can sometimes be distracting, making it hard to concentrate on your work. And while the social atmosphere can be motivating, it can also lead to distractions and procrastination, which can negatively impact your productivity.

Another drawback is privacy. Pubs can be busy and crowded, and working in close proximity to others can be uncomfortable and distracting for some people.

Finally, the availability of pub desks can be limited, especially in rural areas. This means that if you live in a remote location, it could be difficult for you to find a suitable place to work from.

Tips for Productivity While Working from a Pub

While working from a pub can be a great experience, it can also be distracting. Here are some tips for staying productive while working from a pub:

If you need to focus, find a quiet spot to work in, away from any loud or distracting areas.

Make sure to set boundaries between work and leisure time, so you can be productive while still enjoying the pub atmosphere.

If you need to block out noise, bring along noise-cancelling headphones.

While it may be tempting to order a drink, it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption so you can stay focused and productive.


Working from pubs for remote workers can be a fantastic solution for those looking for a comfortable, social, and cost-effective alternative to a home office. However, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons and decide if it’s the right choice for you.

When choosing a pub desk, it’s essential to find one that’s well-equipped with the facilities you need, such as a comfortable workspace, good Wi-Fi, and quiet areas for focused work. And, of course, choose a pub that’s conveniently located and has flexible pricing plans and hours of operation.

So, if you’re tired of working in solitude and want to experience a unique and social working environment, why not try working from a pub? You might just surprise yourself!

There are other alternatives for remote workers looking for a comfortable and productive working environment, one of which is a coworking space.


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