Working from pubs
Andrew Crossley

Andrew Crossley

Founder of Wocal

Pubs Catering to Laptop Workers as a Solution called "Working from pub" to help with Rising Overhead Costs

In recent years, the UK pub industry has faced numerous challenges, including rising energy bills, food and drink prices, staffing costs, and the impact of Britons tightening their belts.

The government’s energy support package provided equivalent support for bills to that given to households, but it has only partially offset the squeezes on hospitality providers.

Many pubs have already seen a doubling of their bills in recent months, and the future looks bleak for many.

To boost revenue and overcome these challenges, many pubs are now offering Work from Pub (WFP) packages.

This concept, which was introduced during the pandemic, has proved popular and is now being expanded. Laptop workers are migrating to their local pubs, seeking a change of scenery and a break from their home energy bills.

The Fuller’s chain, for example, offers WFP deals from £10 a day, which includes lunch and a drink. Young’s brewery has 185 pubs signed up to its £15-a-day deal, which varies from pub to pub but usually includes a sandwich lunch and unlimited tea and coffee.

The microbrewery pub chain Brewhouse and Kitchen also offers a popular “workspace” option, with wifi, quiet spots, power sockets, unlimited hot and soft drinks, and printing, for £10 a day.

The Advantages of Working from Pubs

Working from pubs provides a change of scenery for those who have grown tired of the monotony of working from home. The atmosphere of a pub, with its friendly staff and relaxed environment, can provide a welcome break from the isolation of working from home.

Pubs offer a variety of amenities, including wifi, quiet spots, power sockets, and unlimited hot and soft drinks. This makes them an attractive option for laptop workers who are looking to save on their own bills. In addition, the added bonus of a lunch break and a drink can make the WFP experience even more appealing.

A Chance for Pubs to Thrive

The WFP concept provides a chance for pubs to thrive in a challenging industry. By catering to laptop workers, they can generate additional revenue and ensure their longevity.

In the face of rising overheads, the WFP concept is a creative solution that is helping pubs stay afloat. It is a win-win situation for both the pub and the laptop worker, as the worker gets a change of scenery and the pub gets an influx of revenue.

Working from pubs
Tips for Productivity While Working from a Pub

While working from a pub can be a great experience, it can also be distracting. Here are some tips for staying productive while working from a pub:

If you need to focus, find a quiet spot to work in, away from any loud or distracting areas.

Make sure to set boundaries between work and leisure time, so you can be productive while still enjoying the pub atmosphere.

If you need to block out noise, bring along noise-cancelling headphones.

While it may be tempting to order a drink, it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption so you can stay focused and productive.


As the UK pub industry faces tough times, the Work from Pub concept is proving to be a lifesaver for many. By offering a change of scenery and a break from home energy bills, pubs are able to attract laptop workers and generate additional revenue. This creative solution is helping pubs overcome the challenges posed by rising overheads and ensuring their longevity in a challenging industry.

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